Saturday, September 14, 2013

Structure (2 of 3)

1.       For the wall portion of this assignment I would suggest that you reference sheets S401 and S501. Use the wall sections to know how to assemble your walls. Remember, spending a few minutes now to assemble your wall correctly (according to the sections) will save you time later in the semester when we cut and annotate our sections.
2.       For now, you will have two wall types. Refer to 1/S201 to know where these two types are placed.
3.       To start, select the wall tool (Architecture>wall) and choose a generic wall.
4.       With this wall selected, click Edit Type in the properties menu
5.       ALWAYS, choose to duplicate the component if you’re going to make changes. Once you make changes, it changes every instance of that item so if you haven’t duplicated the component it will change items that you may have placed and do not intend to edit. This is one of the biggest mistakes the new Revit users make so I encourage you to get in the habit now to always duplicate.
Duplicate the Generic wall that you’ve chosen twice (for the two wall types) and rename them anything you want in order to keep them straight.
6.       With the new walls, select to Editnext to the Structure option.
7.       While looking at your wall sections that I mentioned earlier, Insert the pieces that you see annotated.

Use the Up and Down to move these pieces into the correct place.
8.       Now click in the Material & Thickness cells to give the new pieces properties. Refer to the annotated section to know exactly what to pick and its thickness. This is step that will save you time late in the semester so try not to get frustrated here.
9.       After your walls are made, all that is left is to place them in your plan. Do this the same way you placed walls in your cartoon set but remember to use constraints to modify the wall heights; do not have your walls set to be unconnected. With your walls set to constraints, you can change wall heights in two clicks.

A few helpful hints:
In the Edit Assembly window where you’re adding layers to your wall, click on the Preview button in the bottom left. This will expand your window and show you a section of your wall. If this graphic doesn’t match the drawings we’re using for class then you know that you’re missing something. This will show you exactly what your section will look like when it’s cut.

In the top of the Edit Assembly window, it shows you the total thickness of your wall. Again, use this as reference to compare to the class drawings.

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